Colour Me Cherry!

Long time Cherry Velvet fans may remember our darling Pin-Up Paper Dolls (which are also fun little crafts for you and/or your wee ones) so we've decided to follow them up with...colouring pages! We wanted to offer you a stylish distraction and bring some fun to your day!  
Simply click on the images below to download and imbue some hues on these sweet ensembles!

Chrissy coloring page by Cherry VelvetDoris coloring page by Cherry Velvet

Brooke coloring page by Cherry Velvet

Norma coloring page by Cherry Velvet

Angelina coloring page by Cherry Velvet

We hope we sparked your creativity with this little activity. Please feel free to share. We can't wait to see your ideas and creativity!

#cherryvelvet #colourmecherry

Much love to you our awesome customers. Stay safe and far apart!

XOX Cherry Velvet


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