In Support of Anti-Racism & BLM

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Out of respect and solidarity, we would like to use our public platform to reaffirm our values and share our support for the Anti-Racism movement.

Cherry Velvet is an inclusive company, not only dedicated to endorsing the rights and respect of women and all sizes including plus size, but also respecting people of all ethnicities, cultures, and faiths. We recognize Canada as a cultural mosaic and we appreciate everyone's contributions to our local community.

Felly Day in Doris Black Dot for Cherry Velvet

Diversity is fundamental to ensuring the strength of our communities and we are grateful for its part in building a safe place to call home.

It is important to think critically. Our words and actions, no matter how small, have more meaning than we can imagine. This goes both ways. They not only represent us but contribute to our society as a whole. Even the smallest pebble will ripple across a lake.

We believe there are many routes toward change, and one of them is education. This is the only way we can unravel the harmful values deeply rooted in our society. 

As the world recognizes this significant, pivotal moment in Black History, we offer our humble support by sharing a few links related to the Black Lives Matter Movement. We hope these links will be valuable to our readers; whether you wish for more information, want to help but may not know where to start, or know anyone who may be in need of these resources.

A Day In The Life: How Racism Impacts Families of Colour

Ways You Can Help :: Black Lives Matter

Black Women In Motion

The Black Health Alliance of Canada

The Black Legal Action Centre

We encourage you to take a look at these links, and within your means, take positive action (share the links, make a donation, or support local Black-owned businesses, etc.)

XOX Cherry Velvet

1 thought on “In Support of Anti-Racism & BLM


Brilliant BLM post, love your fashion – a black model would be fabulous?

July 8, 2020 at 15:54pm

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